An exploration of and training for presiding at the sacraments of Baptism and Communion
as celebrated by the Uniting Church in Australia.

About the Course
This course will be presented through a mixed-mode of three Wednesday evenings via Zoom and one face-to-face assessment session (to be determined in discussion with participants)
The face-to-face training day must be attended to complete this course.
This course is for:
- Anyone interested in learning about communion in the Uniting Church;
- Lay presiders looking for a refresher course;
- People exploring the idea of lay presidency and those already authorised by the Pastoral Relations Committee as part of their recognition.
- It is also an ideal opportunity for a small group, faith community, bible study group, or congregation to spend time exploring the sacraments together.
Dates and Times
This course will be delivered over four sessions:
Three Wednesday evening sessions via Zoom and one face-to-face session.
Zoom Training Schedule:
Session 1 The Sacraments: Wednesday , 10th April , 7 pm—8:30 pm
Session 2 Holy Communion: Wednesday 17th April, 7 pm—8:30 pm
Session 3 Baptism :Wednesday , 24th April, 7 pm—8:30 pm
The Face to Face Assessment Session:
Venues & dates to be confirmed. It is expected that due to the size of the Presbytery more than one face-to-face day will be required at locations to be negotiated with participants.
Zoom session
Join Lay Presidents Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9489 2992
Passcode: PNEVPLM
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