Rev Brian Spencer - Education, Resources and Innovation Support Minister
The role of the Education, Resources and Innovation Support Minister is to offer educational support across the Presbytery for missional projects and to journey with congregations and other entities within the Presbytery as they trial new and innovative ministry.
To provide a variety of educational programmes to support ministers, lay leaders and congregational members in exploring theology, leadership and mission.
In conjunction with the Presbytery Minister for Pastoral Care and Mission and the Presbytery Minister for Administration and Strategy and eLM to have a particular responsibility for educational resourcing for the congregations and life of the presbytery.
To provide support for congregations implementing innovative ways of being church in the 21st century and to encourage others to consider new ways of being church.
The E,R & IS minister is guided by the priorities and strategic directions set by Presbytery and the Synod’s Vision and Mission statement, the Mission Principles and the Strategic Priorities.