Liturgies based on Uniting in Worship 2

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

(Sections 16 to 23) from “The Service of the Lord’s Day: First Service, Uniting in Worship 2”
National Working Group on Worship, Uniting Church Press, 2005, pp. 162 — 183

Download a pdf version of the Service of the Lord’s Day – Uniting in Worship 2:


Uniting in Worship 2 First service of Holy Communion

Narrative of the Institution of the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

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Uniting in Worship 2 First service of Holy Communion

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Uniting in Worship 2 First service of Holy Communion – adapted by Rev Gereldine Leonard
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Note: Uniting in Worship 2 (First Service) follows the reading of the Narrative of the Institution of the Lord’s supper

Seasonal Liturgies

Winter Communion Otago NZ

Winter Communion

This is a Service of Holy Communion from New Zealand.

Services for Campus Life, Otago Campus Chaplains

Download a pdf version of the document here:


Winter Communion

Author: Rev Gereldine Leonard

God of our winter days, winter days that hang like fog around us –
winter days of the soul that hang heavily upon us.

 We turn to this sacrament of holy communion, which both joins us and feeds us.
Joins us to you and to each other, warms and nourishes us in the winters of our lives.

We remember that it was in the deep winter of his life that Jesus gathered in an upper room with his friends conscious of the end that awaited him.

Download the full servic formated as a MS Word document here:

A Liturgy of Creation and Communion -John Van-De-Laar

This Liturgy of Creation and Communion was written by John Van-De-Laar (C) Sacredise 2007
John has given permission for this liturgy to be free copied and used for any purpose for which no renumeration is received. For inclusion in publications or events for gain, please contact the author at

Download a pdf version of the liturgy here:



Plough Sunday

Taken from a service by Archenfield Group, Garway Church.

Plough Sunday is a traditional English custom that takes place on the first Sunday after Epiphany (January 6th) and marks the beginning of the agricultural year. It is a time for blessing and celebrating the plough and the agricultural work that lies ahead in the year. This service could be appropriate for rural congregations around the Autumn break in April in the Southern Hemisphere.

From medievil times in the Northern Hemisphere Plough Sunday, is the time to celebrate the long hours of tilling and preparing before the seed can be sown. It is a celebration of the hard labour of the winter feeding of cattle and sheep and of milking in freezing parlours. Beyond that it is the time to celebrate the mystery of land and soil itself and all that keeps it in good heart. It is the festival of human labour. Associated with the festival are the
tools of our work: the plough, the spade, the milking churn, the feed bucket and the muck fork. In medieval times the communal plough was often kept in church. At the end of the Christmas season when there was no work, and therefore no wages nor free meals, the ploughmen would haul the plough around the parish begging for silver and threatening to plough up the garden of any who refused!

There is a time for working and a time for resting,
a time for ploughing and a time for sowing
a time for dressing and a time for harvesting.
There is a time for lambing and a time for culling
a time for the byre, a time for the field, a time for the market
And a time for God indeed all times are His.
Our delight is in the name of the Lord

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Contemplative Liturgies

Iona Influenced Holy Communion

NB: Portions of this Order are from the Iona Community

This is the table of the Lord and we are gathered. All are welcome to share in this holy meal. No-one shall be turned away. It is Jesus who calls us to share in this sacred feast.

Come, weak or strong,
Come in simplicity,
Come ready for a taste of life
in the kingdom of heaven.

Download MS Word formatted leaders Liturgy:

Download MS Word formatted Congregation Liturgy:

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Stillpoint Contemplative Liturgy

Liturgy for Holy Communion Ann Siddall, Stillpoint Faith Community.
Uniting Church S.A.
(This service may be reproduced for use in worship with the above acknowledgment)

In joy and thanksgiving we gather together today. We stand on
land curated for centuries by the Kaurna people, and in a building
sanctified by the prayer and praise of this Christian community.
In silence now we open our hearts to God, and to each other, in
welcome and love.


The community of Christ’s Church gathers and scatters, again and
again. In gathering we renew our strength, deepen our
understanding about who Christ calls us to be, and pray for the
world. In scattering we go to live out the life of Christ on earth
through our prayers and our work. Gathered, and scattered, we
are part of a movement which has carried the presence of Christ
for over two thousand years, through change and suffering,
through renewal and revelation.In silence we remember who we
are and the greater community of which we are a part.


Here, now, in the holiness of this present moment,
surrounded by choirs of angels and a great cloud of unseen
witnesses; in unison with the birds of the air and the creatures of
the land; and in community with all on earth who worship God,
we begin our worship. AMEN.

Download full service in pdf format:


St Martin-in-the-fields No 1

St Martin-in-the-Fields is a well-known Anglican church located at the northeast corner of Trafalgar Square in London, England. It is one of the most prominent churches in the city and has a rich history dating back several centuries.

(Source: Liturgy on the Edge: Pastoral and Attractional Worship, by Samuel Wells)

Lord Jesus Christ, you have invited us to come to this table.
We have come from many places and experiences;
we have come wth all our differences;
We have come to the place where journeys meet.
You have called us into the heart of God.
The Lord be with you/and also with you.

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Special Purpose Liturgies

Forms of service for a celebration of Holy Communion may be modified or shortened in the light of pastoral need and of the context within which they are used.

Short Form Communion Liturgy

Suitable for Residential Aged Care or for communion beyond the gathered congregation.

Prepared by Rev. Gereldine Leonard.

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Download MS Word formatted Congregation Liturgy:

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Short Form 2 – Inconceivable Joy

Hope unbelievable,
peace inconceivable,
joy indescribable,
love incomparable
is shared here today!

Download the MS Word formatted document:

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Accessible Liturgy

The following is a Eucharist specifically accessible to persons with an intellectual impairment


A service order, adapted and modified with the objective of making a celebration of the Eucharist more accessible to persons with an intellectual disability. The preparation of this modified Eucharist took as its starting point the text of The Lord’s Supper 2B, published in Sunday Services, Sydney: Anglican Press Australia, 2001, 70-78.


It is recommended that the Eucharist is celebrated in a worship space familiar to the participants. The general ambience should  be comfortable, softly lit with familiar music played throughout the gathering and preparation. If the music is known to the participants they are encouraged to sing or hum as they wish.

Where possible, participants may assist the minister in preparing the worship space with appropriate symbols and communion elements.

The minister welcomes those present individually and by name.

All prayers and responses may be said in echo style.

Ringing a small bell, lighting a candle, or other suitable signal, indicates the service is about to begin.

The bible reading should be short and “action-oriented”. It could usefully come from the synoptic gospels referring to some activity of Jesus. If appropriate, the gospel reading could be accompanied by gesture, movement or even dramatic interpretation.

In the prayers to follow, the minister could refer to the participants by name. For participants with little or no apparent understanding of the reading and prayers, carers should remain in close contact to pray with and for them

The greeting of peace should take as long as is required to greet all participants. Music may be played throughout the greeting and serve as a calming preparation for the communion to follow.

The bread and wine, or whatever food and drink is preferred, is prepared in close view of the participants. Through gesture and movement the attention of the participants is focussed on the elements being prepared. Some participants may be able to assist in this process.

Ringing a small bell, lighting a candle or other suitable signal indicates the service has reached an important part.

The minister brings the Eucharist to a close with a short blessing. After the blessing music plays while the worship space is returned to its original state.

The minister farewells those present individually and by name.

If feasible, all present are invited to share refreshments or a meal together.


1. The minister says

Let us pray: (Or any preferred version of this prayer of preparation)

Almighty God,
nothing is hidden from you.
By your Holy Spirit,
guide our lives.
Help us to truly love you
and bring honour to your name,
Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.


2. A short bible reading from the New Testament follows.
3. The minister prays for others and especially for the needs of individuals present.

At the conclusion of the prayers, the minister says:

Accept our prayers through Jesus Christ our Lord, who taught us to pray:

(Or any preferred version of the Lord’s Prayer).

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.  Amen.

4. The minister says

Listen to the welcoming words of Jesus :
‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’ (Matthew 11:28)

5. The minister says

Knowing the goodness of God,
let us confess our sins together.

Merciful God,
We are sorry for our sins.
For the sake of your Son who died for us
forgive us, and help us to please you always.  Amen.

*6.   The minister says

God forgives those who are truly sorry
and trust in his Son as Saviour and Lord.
God therefore forgives you in Christ Jesus. Amen.

7. The greeting of peace is exchanged,

The peace of the Lord be always with you.

And also with you.

8. (Music may be played.)


9.      The minister says

Loving God,
We praise you for this world which you have made.
We praise you especially for Jesus
who by his death on the cross
took away our sin so we may be your people forever.

On the night before he died, Jesus took bread
and gave it to his disciples, saying,
‘This bread represents my body given for you
Eat this in remembrance of me’.

After the meal, he took a cup,
and gave it to his disciples, saying,
‘This drink represents my blood shed for you
Drink this in remembrance of me’.

As we eat and drink, help us to remember his love
for us and be thankful.
Help us to place our trust in Jesus,
and to show his love to one another. Amen.

10.    Those who distribute the bread and the cup say:

Eat this in remembrance that Jesus died for you
and be thankful. Amen.

Drink this in remembrance that Jesus died for you
and be thankful. Amen.


*11.    Blessing – the minister says

May the blessing of God Almighty,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
remain with you always.  Amen.

12.   (Music may be played.)