Presbytery Digest
Download or read the digest of presbytery meetings.

Nomination Forms
Presbytery functions through a number of committees. Each year office bearers and committee members are elected by presbytery members to serve the following year

Wandiligong Fund
The Wandiligong Youth and Children’s Ministry Fund was established from the sale proceeds of the Wandiligong Camp.
There are two rounds of funding each year. Applications close on 31st March and 30th September, with successful funding applications announced at the following Presbytery meetings.

Space for Grace
“Space for grace – living in the ‘grace margin’ in respectful, empowering, and inclusive decision-making.”
Find out more on the Assembly Website
A discusssion paper on Marriage from Assembly can be found here
An article by Sean Winter, Centre for Theology and Ministry can be found here
Praying Together 2020
Many Congregations are in the habit of deliberately praying for one another each time they meet. By naming each other in prayer we enhance our pastoral support with each other, in God’s company. This invitation builds our faith linkages every year.